MS Powerpoint

Powerpoint animation tutorial- animate smart art object group individually

Powerpoint animation tutorial- animate smart art object group individually

The way out – Firstly convert smart art object group into individual shapes first. Then apply animation on them individually. Normally smart art objects are animated as a group and they get same type of animation.

MS Powerpoint

Powerpoint animation tutorial (1): multiple custom motion path animation

Description : how to add custom motion path to a single object in Microsoft Powerpoint 2007,2010 and how to add multiple motion paths one after another, i.e multiple type of movement animation on same object occurring at different timings, apply time delay to the object between the animation.

MS Powerpoint

Powerpoint Effects : How to Make Cool Photo Designs

Learn How to Make Cool Photo Designs in YouTube. Two photo montage ideas around making one picture out of several : basic & advanced.