
Main Linux Commands

Here is listed few linux articles list in which you will get some useful linux commands which may be necessary to do some basic or advanced jobs in Linux. If you are a linux geek then you can skip this page. This is mainly intended for basic users of Linux. Mainly commands are based on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS version but may work for other Linux distributions too.


Use Ubuntu terminal: complete list of linux commands

How to use the Terminal in Ubuntu


Linux command line- How to know which Linux distribution/ linux version you are using

How to know which Linux distribution or Linux version you are using from command line?


Linux command line- how to set root password in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS version

Read this article and use the Linux shell commands from a terminal window & know how to set the root password in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS version from command line. After setting the password for ROOT user in Ubuntu cross check it.


Linux command line- list of active users, su, sudo & gksu

Linux command- Get list of users in Ubuntu (v. 12.04 LTS). Open a terminal and type this command –
$ cat /etc/passwd

Also you can use these commands  to view the output as pagewise

$ less /etc/passwd
more /etc/passwd”


How to make partitions for a new linux O.S installation (Ubuntu, Fedora)

For Non GPT Disks: Strategy on partitioning a Linux system. The simplest partitioning scheme, on a non-GPT disk, is simply use a root partition and a swap partition.

For GPT type Disks:  You should add a BIOS-Boot or an EFI partition depending on the boot mode of your BIOS.

GPT type Disks can be checked via the “sudo parted -l” command)