PHP Tutorials

WordPress problem in localhost- .htaccess causing internal server error 500

.htaccess in WAMP Server (in WordPress local installation) showing internal server error 500, how to solve it?

The solution is :

  • Left Mouse Click on Wampserver icon in the System Tray in Windows7/XP etc and
  • Goto Apache -> httpd.conf
  • a file will open and in it
  • and search “#LoadModule rewrite_module modules/”.
  • Remove the # as below and save it as follows
  • LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
  • then restart all service.

Actually you need to enable the mod_rewrite module in Apache server. In the httpd.conf file, the configuration file of Apache, find “LoadModule rewrite_module modules/” and remove the pound (#) symbol from the beginning of this line and then save the file and restart WAMP by left mouse click- restart all services.

Also in some cases you need to change AllowOverride none in the httpd.conf to AllowOverride all as well. Read it in wordpress forum

Reference Reading :Some more information on Apache HTACCESS internal server error 500 in Wamp or wordpress installation in wamp server visit this page